Day 4 & 5: Flavoria Innovation Festival

Pitching coaching with Juhana Torkki.

During the last two days of the festival week, the teams learnt pitching and prepared their presentations for Friday’s meetings with the companies.

On Thursday the innovation festival moved over to SparkUp Turku, a facility gathering start-up companies, networks and events in Turku under the same roof. The students got to use SparkUp’s working spaces to develop their final ideas, and later gathered to hear (and participate in) pitching coaching by Juhana Torkki.

Torkki highlighted three essential factors that should be included in an effective pitch – talking about the audience and their situation, concrete examples and connecting the talk to a bigger picture. After the introduction the teams had some time to design their own pitches and present them to the audience. Torkki also gave the teams individual feedback, and the training was said to be the highlight of the week by many of the students.

Samuel Piha with a student team.

Day 5 – Presentations, feedback & awards

On Friday the teams met up with the company representatives and jury to present their final ideas. The Jury consisted of Elias Savonlahti (Community Manager, Turku Business Region), Minna Storm (Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku) and Jouni Saarni (Development Manager, CCR, University of Turku).

According to Storm, the combination of different backgrounds and fields of study enriched also the final results of the week:

It was really valuable to get students with different knowledge and backgrounds and blend them together in the ideas. The companies also reflected a true enthusiasm to collaborate with the students. -Minna Storm

The students also shared their initial thoughts to apply to the innovation week – for instance a chance to make a difference with the companies and the focus on sustainable development motivated some of the participants, as well as the experience they would gain, keeping in mind future job search.

The week has been really intense but fun. I have learned a lot, and feel that the tasks (given during the week) were really helpful in solving the challenge. -Noora Nest, student, team Jalostaja.

The organizing team wishes to thank all of the students, companies, mentors, jury and other people who helped us create an inspiring and productive week.